Decorate for Halloween with Festive Halloween Luminary Bags and Halloween Paper Luminaries

Embrace the Halloween spirit by decorating your home with Halloween luminary bags and Halloween paper luminaries. The flickering light of a Halloween luminary creates the perfect spooky ambiance, both inside and outside the home. If you need a few quick, mess-free, festive Halloween decorations, pick up some Halloween luminary bags and Halloween paper luminaries to entice guests and trick-or-treaters. Welcome your guests or trick-or-treaters by lining your walkway, garden, porch or patio with Halloween paper luminaries. Halloween luminary bags are a festive, creative way to decorate inside and outside the home, and they provide the perfect lighting for your accompanying Halloween decorations. Halloween paper luminaries are safe, long lasting and can be used in any type of weather. Options include electric kits, LED kits and candle kits. Halloween luminary bags are inexpensive, and you can easily reuse the bags and store them away to use the following season. Set up Halloween luminary bags to avoid the hassle of dealing with a tangle of holiday lights. Halloween paper luminaries don’t require messy sand to stay put, either. All you’ll need to do is fill the durable plastic base with water before inserting lights or candles. The base holds the candle or light securely in place, and prevents safety issues by preventing the luminary from tipping over. The flame resistant base accommodates three different sized LED lights and candles, and holds up to a pound of weight. Decorate with any of a wide variety of styles and colors available for Halloween themes. Line your walkway or other area with orange, white, purple, or green luminary bags featuring jack-o-lanterns, ghosts, spiders, or witches. Place votive candles, tea candles, or no-drip candles inside your Halloween luminarias for hours of festive, spooky fun to illuminate your yard and guide trick-or-treaters right to your front door.